Organization:   Southeast Europe Partnership
Organization Contact:   Jay Sunberg  [email protected]

                                        Zhana Georgieva  [email protected]

ICCF Contact:   John Crandall Date of ICCF Contributions:   2004 to present


Bulgaria is an Eastern European country that was under a brutal communist dictatorship for many years. Zhana Georgieva was a young girl who grew up in this harsh land of beautiful people. After the fall of communism, Zhana came in contact with the Nazarene Church and soon became the Director of Compassionate Ministries for the church. Around 2004, an ICCF member was touring Bulgaria and discovered the work she was doing. She ministered to children in leukemia hospital, a special needs orphanage in Sophia, and drove many kilometers to a small village named Vidrare where she began ministering to the staff and children of the school. The ICCF has supported the work of this school through Zhana. She continues to do similar work in the villages of Manaselka and Ravnishte.